That went about as well as it could in these conditions. Really actually a very nice session today. Absolutely lit on the 10, overpowered even at the end. Some ice chunk fields by...
That went about as well as it could in these conditions. Really actually a very nice session today. Absolutely lit on the 10, overpowered even at the end. Some ice chunk fields by...
I'm going to hit up the st Francis launch today around 11. I checked it earlier, ice shelf was minimal and only the occasional ice chunk floating around in there. Grant looked similar b...
Sorry, I haven't checked back here to see this! I would be interested in pads, I do use some. I just hit big Muskego this morning with the wing and board. I want to use the kite w...
@Ryan Wickens for what it's worth, grant doesn't have much for an ice shelf or floating ice in the way Bradford seemed to. But sw is no good there.
I opted for a wing and modified mountain board at the swamp. Did the trick. Still trying to dial in using the kite with it. However, was super gusty at the swamp and a kite would ...
In an effort to try something different on bumpy ice I ran a bunch of screws through the tires of a mountain board and gave it a go on Muskego this morning.... It was comical at best and will need ...
@PowerManJ316 no snow it's all just ice. Patches of black dimpled ice and bands of refrozen ice chunks.
I hit Winnebago today right off Roosevelt park. Ice where I checked was over 6", but I didn't check everywhere and didn't travel too far. It generally seemed good, some bumpy sections a...
@Ryan Wickens you park right on superior across from either the sisters of st Francis or the arch diocese. There are steps off the bike path by the sisters, or the bike path goes right along ...
@Ryan Wickens I didn't see this, but I launched off of Bayview beach. South Shore area is all under construction. Got a nice hour long session on a 12 before conditions went side shore and gusty.
I'll file that under scratched that itch. It was not great conditions, onshore wind, big shore break, lighter wind, oh yeah and cold.... but it was still nice to get out.
I'm thinking about heading to grant or Bradford here in a bit. I noticed a slight ice shelf at Bradford but grant was clear
It's been a while and I'm wondering if today might work at Bradford. Side shore isn't ideal and it's cold. Ice at big Muskego looked sketchy. Would like to ride if I can.
The old beach is being decommissioned and replaced with some native plantings. The new beach is being moved just south in front of the opening in the break wall. Thinking is it's cleane...
Looks like they've started the decommission process on the beach we use for launching and landing. Might be able to use the beach area to the south where they are moving everything to. ...
I hit the swamp for a few hours 12-2ish. Was decent, light wind most of the time but was good enough to practice directional board transitions. 14m and a surfboard.
Winnebago was rather brutal. Cold, lots of chop, and went from lit on a 10 to fighting for survival in the 30+ knot gusts.
I'm running up to Winnebago today enough north to make the swamp gusty I think.
That was too much wind for my 10m. Need to fix my 7 so I can use it again. Had a good day on yesterday, but today was something else. Lasted maybe half an hour