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Oct 18 Bradford

  • It was so good to see everyone out today!  Jeff, in case you missed her, Danielle is back!  Thanks BBR for the harnesses loan and thanks to BBR and Jason for trying the Ocean Rodeo Flite 5-strut Aluula kite.  Charlie V., havent' seen that dude in years!  Good to see you again.

    - Stafford

  • Sorry I missed it.  Just saw a Facebook post, some photograper posted picture and wanted to know who was flying so high.  I directed them to this form, think there are pictures to share.

  • Yeah, pretty epic wind at the big pond. Besides ripping my 13m Edge in half, a solid day --- had to go on the Aluula after I was kite-less and the 17m was far too big. Damn that thing is light and fast! Might have to get the Zephyr Aluula when it's available....

  • Fall wind baby! Wow, really good power on 8m and small TT. Great seeing so many people. I caught up with Danielle via text, thanks Stafford!

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