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Inland lake ice.

  • This week inland lakes should be in play for snowkiting/winging/etc...  My back yard is probably good enough for me tomorrow, a couple nuts were testing it with ATV's today so there are indeed people more aggressive than I am.  However, know your spot, measure your ice and play safely!

  • Big Muskego had open water straight out from the boat ramp 24 hours ago....

  • I saw discussions on lake link that Pewaukee had open water in west end 48 hrs ago. Be safe!

  • Got over 10 miles winging on skates today in my back yard, tweaking tacks and gybes.  Had a winter foil kite and skiis out with me, but conditions winging too good to change equipment.  Looking forward to some snow...  

    Ice at 4"+, and building.  But wherever you go, know your conditions and play safely.

  • I'm likey to check out Pewaukee on Friday 

  • Got in 8 miles wingskating today, needed a bigger wing today and I quit before 10 miles as wind stopped cooperating.  Will post picture of today in case anyone wants some safe ice - 4-5 inches on north half of Little Muskego (my back yard).  There was open water on south end a couple days ago.  However, besides me several ice fishermen with ATV's, snowmobiles and shanties have been out past few days.

  • I'm heading to Pewaukee at noon. Ice reports seem decent. Be safe.

  • Powerman - hope you scored a nice session, wind direction was better for Pweaukee than my back yard.  Regardless, I winged on skates & ski-skates, and kited snowboard with switchblade.  Though sessions not epic, nice to spend a few hours playing outside instead of complaining inside!

    BTW: you doing Hatteras with us?  Don broke the news that after nearly 30 years of weeks together at Hatteras spring & sometimes fall, he is NOT booking next year!!  Heartbreaking, will need to schedule ourselves or with another crew...

  • How was Pewaukee Jeff?

    (Just got back from snowboarding Granite Peak) & looks like this will be wind left over for tomorrow 

  • Ice board or snowboard?

  • Pewaukee was good. Surface is hard with a bit of ripple to it. Spotty snow, maybe about quarter inch. I used my normal skis but should have had my race skis. Very few ice fishing holes at the moment but a lot of fishers going out. I saw many people with very large shacks and ATVs. People are reporting 6 in of ice.

  • Rode big Muskego yesterday.  Bumpy ice with snow deposits on the windward side of reed beds.  Over 6" ice where I checked, and a few smooth patches of newer ice.  

  • Went out in back yard this morning, SW wind about right for 12m foil kite and switchblade on snowboard.  Not much snow of course over rough ice but nice to get my old legs acclimated to riding snowboard for the season.  About the time my legs were burning enough to call it a session, the wind picked up a force or two (about 30mph...) and if keeping the blade connected to the ice was not tough enough, bringing in kite to finish the session completely wore this old guy out.  Doubt I'll be up for an afternoon session as planned, we'll see...

  • Big muskego was nice today. Got there about 1:30 and watched my kiddo practice on 3m wing. Rode just a bit and it was windy enough to have some me fun on the wing. Nice weather. I thought ice was fair at big M. Nice powder patches behind the reed beds.

  • There is a spot just south of Big Muskego on Hwy 45 that I have snowkited in the past that I will share below.  This was landfill I believe, nice hilly terrain that is mowed in the fall.  I have snowkited it a number of times, and tried to find a contact that might authorize me to kite there.  However, the few humans I ever spoke with said they could not authorize it, but certainly local kids sled there and snowmobilers take advantage of it.  This afternoon I drove past it to check it out, and it looks great though snowmobilers have certainly been on the hills.  Not for beginners as this is hilly, and not too far north of there there are powerlines.  I cannot get there tomorrow or I would given the wind forecast.  Stafford, have you ever checked it out as it is in your neck of the woods?  One issue there is parking, but road nicely plowed now so no need to try to park in the area where it prohibits driving.

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