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Sunday Feb. 16

  • The snow in back yard very good, and a little more coming tonight.  Tomorrow is very good north wind.  I'm setting day up to wear my old ass out snowkiting tomorrow.  Hoping switchblade not necessary, just a snowboard and snow in my back yard like I haven't seen in a few years - more like the old days!  Hope all score!

  • @Jeff Vkoeberl Thx Jeff,

    Can't make tomorrow, but hope to play in the dregs of the wind and snow on Monday.

    Please post whether just snowboard or switchblade would be the weapon of choice 😀

  • Ryan H., Ryan C., and Rob are all out there on Big Muskego now.  Hopefully they will post up about conditions.  Boxhorn parking g lot is full, snowmobiles, motorcycles, an ice fisherman having a winter festival out there.

  • Back yard was awesome, imagine those at swamp had a blast.  Used my Ozone foil style snowkites, started 12M but didn't take long to realize 8M was pleanty and much more fun.  Snowboard worked great, though I had a switchblade out in my sled just in case.  More than three hours and about 20 miles of some of best snowkiting in past few seasons.  Some spots are clearing because of wind, but easy to work around and stay in deeper snow.  Most of my session the snowmobiles avoided where I was riding, but later in the session they started to race closer than I like, given that I know alcohol often fuels cold riders and predictability suffers...  Awesome day, but tomorrow my dermatologist going to carve on my arms (price of 70 years in the sun...) and warned me stitches will interrupt my riding for a couple weeks - but got to get that done before heading to Florida & Outer Banks in March & April.  

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