Wind 20-30mph, snow gone and ice back, good time to test the new Ensis Parawing on skiskates before trying it with foil in Florida. Actually works well, prefer having this instead of a kite in that wind on ice... Nice new alternative to learn! Bonnie got a picture from our living room of me learning in back yard.

Any open water Jeff? Wondering if there are any water spots open with tomorrow's forecast
While there is (and has all winter) been open water on north end of my back yard, not enough open water to do much, and launching/landing would be challenging. Ice probably good, but deteriorating... You do know forecast says likely 40-50 mph winds, right?
Yeah. Perfect forecast if there was open water 😁
Gave Parawing another ride today with skates this time. Short session, gusts over 35 and pretty much sustained over 25 during session. Rough ice and skates with a new weapon to learn kinda hard on this old body... Get stitches out of left arm Monday and then can use two hands again, that might help.