Just finished up at Grant Park area. Wind was great, but gusty! Was out on an 8m and it was perfect. Ran into a few guys named Ryan, Joe, and Dallas.... all 3 kiters started out at SSYC and did a d...
Just finished up at Grant Park area. Wind was great, but gusty! Was out on an 8m and it was perfect. Ran into a few guys named Ryan, Joe, and Dallas.... all 3 kiters started out at SSYC and did a d...
Got a late start, just arrived to Grant Park. Winds are good, side shore out of the north, but gusty at moments. If folks end up at SSYC, hit me! (920) 334-0350
Hey Mitchell. Cavan here, just moved to MKE about a year ago. I'm new to this forum and new to kiting in MKE/Lake Michigan in general, though I've got about 9-10 years experience kiting off and on....