Learn To Kiteboard

Kiteboarding without instruction is EXTREMELY dangerous to you and others. We urge you to take lessons from a qualified professional before attempting any kiteboarding or even using a large kite.
Yes, Kiteboarding is great fun. It can be exciting, beautiful, and even relaxing. But if you do not know how to properly use the specialized equipment, there could be terrible consequences. It's important to understand how critical safety is for you, other beachgoers, and other kiters to ensure you don't jeopardize beach access for everyone. It's happened before, and unfortunately it'll happen again, but don't let it be because of you! The learning curve is not that bad, but the outcomes of not taking lessons are.
Once your done with your kiteboarding lessons and you're ready to purchase gear, there are many things to consider. First off, the kite is the top priority. If you get the wrong kite for your size, conditions, or skill level things probably won't be as fun as they should be. Generally speaking, beginners will find something in the 9m-12m range a good bet. Learning in light wind isn't fun, and learning in too much wind is just dangerous. Kites between 9m and 12m are considered medium sized and will get you going in that sweet spot of 17-25mph of wind. Again, this is just a general idea of what size you might consider, but be sure to talk to your instructor or one of us to get our expert advice. Check out our "Types of Kiteboarding Kites" page to learn about all the different styles of kites.
Choosing the right kiteboard is just as important as picking the right kite. A lot of riders including myself start out stubborn with the wrong gear. It took me 3x longer to learn to ride upwind and didn't even happen until I used a huge light wind board. After that, it was a walk in the park. A beginner kiteboarder might look for a board that has more overall volume with less rocker and moderate flex. Stability, edging, and the ability for a board to plane are all critical for someone just learning to ride. More advanced riders might look for a kiteboard with more aggressive tips, rocker, and flex to increase pop and make jumping/tricks more lively.
Once you're ready to take on the surf scene or strapless fad, we point riders towards surfboards that will allow them to perform and shred apart waves. Typically riders will chose a surfboard a few steps down from what they typically surf due to the ability to generate speed and power with the kite. If you're going to venture into the strapless air game, be sure to consider a stronger material build to reduce pressure dents and damage from hard landings.